Use "meant to|mean to" in a sentence

1. I didn't mean to answer back, I merely meant to say that you had been misinformed.

2. This idiom originally meant to befool others with tricks. Later it is used to mean to keep changing ones' mind.

3. Still, it's meant to.

4. Meant to be good luck.

5. More meant to scare than to harm.

6. It was meant to be.

7. Mouth combined with water meant, " drink, " and mouth joined to bread meant, " eat. "

8. Barbaric was used with the meaning “foreign, strange, outlandish,” Barbarous first meant what the Romans meant by it, “not Greek or Latin,” but it soon came to mean “uncultured, savage,” and by …

9. Meant to Be Read and Understood

10. We were meant to exact justice.

11. Tells me I'm not meant to.

12. Stoves are meant to radiate heat.

13. She meant the world to him.

14. If man were meant to fly

15. Was that meant to scare me?

16. Baca meant to put an end to that.

17. They're meant to flatter the figure.

18. Old Eddy meant something to him.

19. Note what the end of that world meant and what it did not mean.

20. * A white pebble meant acquittal, whereas a black pebble meant condemnation, often to death.

21. Beleaguer originally meant to lay siege to, and originates from a 16th century Dutch term which meant to camp all around.

22. What does Busywork mean? Activity, such as schoolwork or office work, meant to take up time but not necessarily yield productive results

23. He thought you meant to sack Rome.

24. Used, whether you meant to or not.

25. Backpackers isn't meant to be the Hilton

26. To the Greeks, love meant erotic love.

27. Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me.

28. Apparently these stories are meant to amuse.

29. I never meant to imply any criticism.

30. What does Advisable mean? The definition of Advisable is something that is a good idea to do, something that you are meant to do or something that

31. is meant to represent the constellation of Orion, and the spider's leg, the extension, is meant to represent the star Sirius.

32. The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences.

33. To the ancient Greeks, love meant erotic love.

34. On a scale of zero to five, zero meant not important at all and five meant important.

35. So these speakers are meant to emulate that.

36. Abdul-Rauf never meant to cause a ruckus.

37. At its most general, Cadger meant "carrier," and the verb Cadge meant "to carry." More specifically, the verb meant to go about as a Cadger or peddler.

38. Some hands weren't meant to pull a trigger.

39. Burgoo is meant to be simmered for hours

40. The brain was meant to be used indefinitely.

41. Medicines are not meant to live on. 

42. She asked him to clarify what he meant.

43. What were you meant to accomplish during it?

44. And this is meant to be hush-hush.

45. A Cowling is meant to be protective and aerodynamic

46. Clearly their Boisterousness was meant to impress the girl

47. Well, maybe those lines aren't meant to be crossed.

48. It is not clear to us what you meant.

49. Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile.

50. To Bequeath something meant to “give personal property by will to another.” 1

51. ‘Like all good Athonites, time meant little to him.’

52. ‘Like all good Athonites, time meant little to him.’

53. Traveling now meant going where you wanted to go.

54. She was meant to be here 20 minutes ago.

55. I didn't realize how much this meant to you.

56. Chargebacks are meant to protect consumers from unauthorized transactions.

57. Colorific is meant to run in a streaming manner

58. Something that's Admonitory is meant to correct or scold

59. I don't think that was meant to destroy evidence.

60. Back then, moving from place to place meant discomfort.

61. He meant to invite Monica, but he clean forgot.

62. You've got to figure out what they actually meant.

63. Examples are not meant to be complete or comprehensive.

64. To point out what is meant by effective study.

65. That holy institution meant to breed virtue in savages.

66. This simple example is meant to be illustrative, not to trivialize rollback.

67. When something is Cautionary, it’s meant to be a warning to you

68. To have Jalula under the rule meant to have the gate to Northern Iraq.

69. It took her a while to catch on to what we meant.

70. In other words, they're meant to prevent us from decomposing.

71. 20 And that statement is not meant to slander anybody.

72. I hadn't meant to answer her, it was simply reflexive.

73. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged.

74. Birthmarks have meant different things to different people throughout history

75. To him, being paid would have meant being a mercenary.

76. I didn't realize Jamie's fate meant so little to them.

77. Opinions vary as to what Aristobulus meant by the “law.”

78. Perplexed investors tried to work out what the deal meant.

79. It doesn't take much imagination to guess what she meant.

80. National welfare meant nothing; personal aggrandizement meant everything.